This report analyses the security situation in Syria, focusing in particular on the situation of the civilian population. The reference period is 2019 and the first two months of 2020. The drafting of this report was finalised on 6 March 2020. Some additional information was added during the finalisation of this report in response to feedback received during the quality control process until 8 April 2020.
Laatst toegevoegde rapporten
Het doel van dit onderzoek is een stand van zaken op te maken over de veiligheidssituatie in Ecuador. Deze COI Focus richt zich in het bijzonder op de periode januari 2022 tot november 2024. Het onderzoek werd afgesloten op 18 november 2024.
Ce COI Focus a pour but de collecter des informations sur les possibilités d’accès aux portails électroniques e-Devlet et UYAP et sur les informations judiciaires qui y sont disponibles.
Ce COI Focus est une mise à jour du rapport du même nom daté du 19 mars 2024.
Ce document présente des informations sur les possibilités de voyager depuis Bruxelles vers Bamako ainsi que sur les possibilités de déplacement pour rejoindre les régions du sud du Mali à partir de la capitale. Dans la dernière partie, il traite des retours de ressortissants maliens organisés par le gouvernement en 2023 et 2024. Pour élaborer ce COI Focus, le Cedoca s’est appuyé sur des informations publiques disponibles en novembre 2024. Le Cedoca a clôturé ses recherches le 26 novembre 2024. Ce rapport constitue une mise à jour du COI Focus du 26 avril 2024 portant le titre Mali. Possibilités de retour : liaisons aériennes vers Bamako.
Alle rapporten (473)
The report analyses the situation of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and returnees in Syria.
This report provides information relevant for international protection status determination for Syrian applicants for international protection, and will be used in the development of a country guidance note on Syria.
The first draft of this report was finalised on 12 December 2019. Some additional information was added during the finalisation of this report in response to feedback received during the quality control process, until 12 March 2020. Any event taking place after this date is not included in this report.
The purpose of this report is to provide relevant information regarding the targeting of individuals in Syria, for international protection status determination, including refugee status and subsidiary protection, and in particular for use in EASO’s country guidance development on Syria.
The drafting of this report was finalised on 5 December 2019. Some additional information was added during the finalisation of this report in response to feedback received during the quality control process, until 30 January 2019. Any event taking place after this date is not included in this report.
The purpose of this report is to provide relevant information regarding the socio-economic situation in Damascus City for use in the context of international protection status determination, including refugee status and subsidiary protection, especially in view of the EASO country guidance development on Syria.
This report was finalised on 30 January 2020. Any event taking place after this date is not included in this report.
The purpose of this report is to analyse the situation of women in Syria, focusing mainly on the general situation of women in the country while also paying special attention to area-specific features in those parts of Syria under the control of non-state armed groups, information relevant for international protection status determination, including refugee status and subsidiary protection, and in particular to inform the EASO country guidance development on Syria.
The first draft of this report was finalised on 18 November 2019. Some additional information was added during the finalisation of this report in response to feedback received during the quality control process, until 10 January 2020. Any event taking place after this date is not included in this report.
This report concerns the Syrian territories, which have been outside the control of the Government of Syria (GoS) and returned to GoS control through so-called reconciliation agreements. It explores how these agreements were reached, their consequences for the population of the respective areas, as well as how GoS exerts its control in the aftermath. Not all areas/cities are included, but rather a selection that serves to illustrate the different developments.
The report covers the period from 2014 until October 2019. The drafting of this report was finalised on 1 October 2019. Some additional information was added during the finalisation of this report in response to feedback received during the quality control process until 28 October 2019.